Results for 'M. A. Reinhardt'

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  1.  43
    Téléphone arabe.Clément de Gaulejac & M. A. Reinhardt - 2015 - Substance 44 (2):151-157.
    “In France, we say ‘an angel passes by;’ in Spain, ‘a Bishop is born;’ in Portugal, ‘a poet is dead.’ I’m glad that I could place a long silence in one of my films.”In French, the expression “téléphone arabe” has two meanings: 1) An oral communication and, furthermore, a rumor or unreliable information; 2) A kid’s game which consists of whispering a word to one another in a circle: the first person whispers a phrase in the ear of the second, (...)
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    A new geographic distribution of Eleuterodactylus antillensis (Reinhardt y Lutken, 1983)(Amphibia: Anura: Leptodactylidae) identification and ecologic habit in Panama city.F. De Sousa, F. A. Arosemena, J. A. Castillo & H. M. Mallorga - 1989 - Scientia 4.
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  3. Ontology, Causality and Mind: Essays in Honour of D M Armstrong.John Bacon, Keith Campbell & Lloyd Reinhardt (eds.) - 1993 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    D. M. Armstrong is an eminent Australian philosopher whose work over many years has dealt with such subjects as: the nature of possibility, concepts of the particular and the general, causes and laws of nature, and the nature of human consciousness. This collection of essays explores the many facets of Armstrong's work, concentrating on his more recent interests. There are four sections to the book: possibility and identity, universals, laws and causality, and philosophy of mind. The contributors comprise an international (...)
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    Karl Reinhardt: Das Parisurteil. Pp. 31; 1 plate. Frankfurt a. M.: Klostermann, 1938. Paper, (export price) RM. 1.31.H. J. Rose - 1938 - The Classical Review 52 (05):196-197.
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    Poseidonios. Von Karl Reinhardt. Pp. 476. Munich: C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1921. - Kosmos und Sympathie. Neue Untersuchungen über Poseidonios von Karl Reinhardt. Pp. viii + 420. Munich: Beck, 1926. Unbound, M. 18; bound, M. 20. [REVIEW]A. D. Nock - 1927 - The Classical Review 41 (02):87-.
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  6. Fuchino, S., Koppelberg, S. and Shelah, S., Partial orderings.M. Gitik, M. A. Jahn & C. Morgan - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 80:291.
  7. Gender roles and child nutrition in livestock production systems in developing countries.F. K. Tangka, M. A. Jabbar & B. I. Shapiro - forthcoming - A Critical Review.
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    El De Trinitate, bautismo de la inteligencia.Malcolm Spicer & José M. A. Juango - 1991 - Augustinus 36 (140-143):259-293.
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    Obshchestvo mertvykh velosipedistov: sbornik stateĭ.M. A. Bli︠u︡menkrant︠s︡ - 2017 - Kharʹkov: "Prava li︠u︡dyny".
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  10. Teori kajian pascakolonial sastra, model Homi K. Bhabha.M. A. Dina Dyah Kusumayanti - 2021 - In Suwardi Endraswara (ed.), Teori sastra sepanjang zaman: tokoh, konsep, dan aplikasi. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.
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    La tercera vía de Parménides.José Mª Garrido Luceño - 2024 - Isidorianum 5 (10):7-93.
    Ningún luriter debe leerse lejos de su propio Sitz im Leben. El de Parménides se sitúa en el sur de Italia a finales del siglo VI y principios del VII. Se trata de un entorno cultural rico en comunidades órficas y pitagóricas, en el que el antiguo orden mítico-feudal está siendo superado y el politeísmo de Homero es objeto de severas críticas. En consecuencia, el poema de Parménides está impregnado de un profundo ímpetu religioso, que se convierte en la piedra (...)
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    A pilot study on peritraumatic dissociation and coping styles as risk factors for posttraumatic stress, anxiety and depression in parents after their child's unexpected admission to a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.M. B. Bronner, A. M. Kayser, H. Knoester, A. P. Bos, B. F. Last & M. A. Grootenhuis - unknown
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    Neuroprotective Effects of Kuromanin Chloride Against Glutamatergic Excitotoxicity in Neuroblastoma Cells.Heba Nasser, Hidaya M. A. Kader & Fadwa Al Mughairbi - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Preface.A. Nerode & M. A. Taitslin - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 67 (1-3):1.
  15.  22
    ‘Dual Sensory Loss Protocol’ for Communication and Wellbeing of Older Adults With Vision and Hearing Impairment – A Randomized Controlled Trial.Hilde L. Vreeken, Ruth M. A. van Nispen, Sophia E. Kramer & Ger H. M. B. van Rens - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    ObjectivesMany older adults with visual impairment also have significant hearing loss. The aim was to investigate the effectiveness of a newly developed Dual Sensory Loss protocol on communication and wellbeing of older persons with DSL and their communication partners in the Netherlands and Belgium.MethodsParticipants and their communication partners were randomized in the “DSL-protocol” intervention group or a waiting-list control group. The intervention took 3 to 5 weeks. Occupational therapists focused on optimal use of hearing aids, home-environment modifications and effective communication (...)
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  16.  25
    Triple antiviral therapy with telaprevir after liver transplantation: a case series.J. Knapstein, D. Grimm, M. A. W.örns, P. R. Galle, H. Lang & T. Zimmermann - 2014 - Transplant Research and Risk Management 2014.
    Johanna Knapstein,1 Daniel Grimm,1 Marcus A Wörns,1 Peter R Galle,1 Hauke Lang,2 Tim Zimmermann111st Department of Internal Medicine, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany; 2Department of General, Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, GermanyIntroduction: Hepatitis C virus reinfection occurs universally after liver transplantation, with accelerated cirrhosis rates of up to 30% within 5 years after liver transplantation. Dual antiviral therapy with pegylated interferon-2a and ribavirin only reaches sustained virological response rates of ~30% after liver transplantation. With the approval of viral NS3/4A (...)
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  17.  17
    A GLIMPSE OF VIRTUAL REALITY PUBLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING DISCIPLINES.A. A. Salama, Abdul Hamid Adnan, Shimaa I. Hassan & N. M. A. Ayad - 2020 - Egyptian Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS) 35:75-83.
    ABSTRCTIn recent times, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) hasbeen developed and widely spread around world. ICT is used in various sectorsand considered a basis in the emergence of some important technologies such asvirtual reality technology. Virtual Reality (VR) is a special technology as anadvanced technology connected to several fields, e.g. training, learning, science,engineering, medicine, military, etc. VR has great potentials which enabled toperform several phenomena and experiments. Hence, several scenarios havebecome available. The purpose of this study is to shed light (...)
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  18.  52
    The Diagnostic Power of the Stages of Critical Discussion in the Analysis and Evaluation of Problem-Solving Discussions.M. A. van Rees - 2001 - Argumentation 15 (4):457-470.
    In this article, the pragma-dialectical model of a critical discussion is demonstrated to provide a useful instrument for discovering causes of an unsatisfactory development of problem-solving discussions. First a sketch is given of the development of a problem-solving discussion which, in the opinion of the participants themselves, developed in an unsatisfactory fashion. Then it is argued that this development can be traced back to flaws in the execution of the stages of a critical discussion.
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  19.  29
    Light Beam Propagation in a Photorefractive Environment: Beam-Fanning Effect and Amplification of Weak Beams.A. Zúñiga-Segundo, M. A. Arvizu-Coyotzi, J. L. López-Bonilla & B. E. Carvajal-Gámez - 2006 - Apeiron 13 (3):375.
  20. Estimating parity specific rate of induced abortion: a new approach.Rajib Acharya, H. Eini-Zinab, S. Islam, M. A. Islam, S. S. Padmadas, S. Billingsley, T. Spoorenberg, D. Beguy, K. Grace & C. Muresan - 2010 - Journal of Biosocial Science 42 (6):705-19.
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  21.  88
    Robert M. Solovay, William N. Reinhardt, and Akihiro Kanamori. Strong axioms of infinity and elementary embeddings. Annals of mathematical logic, vol. 13 , pp. 73–116. - Menachem Magidor. HOW large is the first strongly compact cardinal? or A study on identity crises. Annals of mathematical logic, vol. 10 , pp. 33–57. [REVIEW]Carlos Augusto Di Prisco - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (4):1066-1068.
  22.  29
    The temperature dependence of heavy-ion damage in iron: A microstructural transition at elevated temperatures.Z. Yao, M. L. Jenkins, M. Hernández-Mayoral & M. A. Kirk - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (35-36):4623-4634.
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    The motivational properties of hope in goal striving.Rob M. A. Nelissen - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (2).
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    Identification and integration of sensory modalities: Neural basis and relation to consciousness.Cyriel M. A. Pennartz - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (3):718-739.
    A key question in studying consciousness is how neural operations in the brain can identify streams of sensory input as belonging to distinct modalities, which contributes to the representation of qualitatively different experiences. The basis for identification of modalities is proposed to be constituted by self-organized comparative operations across a network of unimodal and multimodal sensory areas. However, such network interactions alone cannot answer the question how sensory feature detectors collectively account for an integrated, yet phenomenally differentiated experiential content. This (...)
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  25. U̇ăḣăclăr: sebertatar teltă.Fanilʹ Abutalipov, Абуталипов Фаниль, F. F. Marganova, Фаусия Фаизовна Марганова & M. A. Sagidullin (eds.) - 2020 - Ti︠u︡menʹ: Ti︠u︡menskiĭ dom pechati.
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  26.  18
    The Dutch & the dying.M. A. de Wachter - 1991 - Hastings Center Report 21 (6):2-2.
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  27.  49
    Rasing the ivory tower: the production of knowledge and distrust of medicine among African Americans.J. Wasserman, M. A. Flannery & J. M. Clair - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (3):177-180.
    African American distrust of medicine has consequences for treatment seeking and healthcare behaviour. Much work has been done to examine acute events that have contributed to this phenomenon and a sophisticated bioethics discipline keeps watch on current practices by medicine. But physicians and clinicians are not the only actors in the medical arena, particularly when it comes to health beliefs and distrust of medicine. The purpose of this paper is to call attention not just to ethical shortcomings of the past, (...)
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  28. Problematika voĭny v gumanitarnykh naukakh.A. D. Kumanʹkov, Sergeĭ Li︠u︡bimov & M. A. Sidorova (eds.) - 2019 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
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    Der Kaiser als Kitt der Gesellschaft.M. A. Anna Kollatz - 2015 - Das Mittelalter 20 (1).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Das Mittelalter Jahrgang: 20 Heft: 1 Seiten: 96-114.
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  30.  27
    Bertrand russell memorial logic conference £200 essay prize.J. L. Bell, M. A. Dickmann, M. Machover, G. Priest, A. B. Slomson, Y. Suzuki & G. M. Wilmers - 1975 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 40 (2):298-298.
  31.  10
    Rotation of etch pits on the basal cleavages of apophyllite crystals.M. S. Joshi & M. A. Ittyachen - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 16 (142):717-721.
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  32.  85
    William Robertson and David Hume: Three Letters. [REVIEW]R. B. Sher & M. A. Stewart - 1985 - Hume Studies 1985 (1):69-86.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:69 WILLIAM ROBERTSON AND DAVID HUME: THREE LETTERS The relationship between David Hume and his fellow Scottish historian William Robertson has always seemed one-sided. Despite the existence of fifteen letters to Robertson in the standard volumes of Hume's correspondence,1 Hume scholars have long had reason to regret the lack of a single extant letter from Robertson to Hume. None are to be found, for example, where one would most (...)
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  33.  26
    Construing experience through meaning: a language-based approach to cognition.M. A. K. Halliday - 1999 - New York: Continuum. Edited by Christian M. I. M. Matthiessen.
    This text explores how human beings construe experience: experience as a resource, as a potential for understanding, representing and acting on reality.
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  34. Studia Anthropologica: sbornik stateĭ v chestʹ M.A. Chlenova.M. A. Chlenov, A. M. Fedorchuk & S. F. Chlenova (eds.) - 2010 - Moskva: Gesharim.
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  35.  15
    Das Grab des Königs Ninetjer in Saqqara: Architektonische Entwicklung frühzeitlicher Grabanlagen in Ägypten. By Claudia M. Lacher-Raschdorff.M. A. Pouls Wegner - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (3).
    Das Grab des Königs Ninetjer in Saqqara: Architektonische Entwicklung frühzeitlicher Grabanlagen in Ägypten. By Claudia M. Lacher-Raschdorff. Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Kairo, Archäologische Veröffentlichungen, vol. 125. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2014. Pp. 295, 44 pls., plans. €247.
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  36.  13
    Nikolaus von Kues, De non aliud. Nichts anderes (= Texte und Studien zur Europäischen Geistesgeschichte, Reihe A, Bd. 1), hg. v. Klaus Reinhardt/Jorge M. Machetta/Harald Schwaetzer. [REVIEW]Görge K. Hasselhoff - 2013 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 120 (2):417-419.
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  37.  50
    Spirituality and nursing: A reply to Barbara pesut.M. A. Paley - 2008 - Nursing Philosophy 9 (2):138–140.
  38. When a good fit can be bad.M. A. Pitt & I. J. Myung - 2002 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 6 (10):421-425.
  39.  46
    Large infinitary languages: model theory.M. A. Dickmann - 1975 - New York: American Elsevier Pub. Co..
  40. A New Way of Doing the Best That We Can: Person‐Based Consequentialism and the Equality Problem.M. A. Roberts - 2002 - Ethics 112 (2):315-350.
  41.  69
    Spirituality and nursing: A reductionist approach.M. A. Paley - 2008 - Nursing Philosophy 9 (1):3–18.
    The vast majority of contributions to the literature on spirituality in nursing make extravagant claims about transcendence, eternity, the numinous, higher powers, higher levels of existence, invisible forces, cosmic unity, the essence of humanity, or other supernatural concepts. Typically, these assertions are made without the support of argument or evidence; and, as a consequence, alternative ways of theorizing ‘spirituality’ have been closed off, while the lack of consistent scholarship has turned the topic into a metaphysical backwater. In this paper, I (...)
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  42.  22
    Filosofii︠a︡ iz arkhiva: M. K. Petrov: monografii︠a︡.M. A. Didyk - 2020 - Taganrog: Izdatelʹstvo I︠U︡zhnogo federalʹnogo universiteta. Edited by A. N. Erygin & O. A. Muradʹi︠a︡n.
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  43.  28
    Holographic Declarative Memory: Distributional Semantics as the Architecture of Memory.M. A. Kelly, Nipun Arora, Robert L. West & David Reitter - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (11):e12904.
    We demonstrate that the key components of cognitive architectures (declarative and procedural memory) and their key capabilities (learning, memory retrieval, probability judgment, and utility estimation) can be implemented as algebraic operations on vectors and tensors in a high‐dimensional space using a distributional semantics model. High‐dimensional vector spaces underlie the success of modern machine learning techniques based on deep learning. However, while neural networks have an impressive ability to process data to find patterns, they do not typically model high‐level cognition, and (...)
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  44. A Political Philosophy of Ihsan.M. A. Muqtedar, Khan Islam & Good Governance - unknown
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    Professional ethics and social responsibility: military work and peacebuilding.M. A. Hersh - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (4):1545-1561.
    This paper investigates four questions related to ethical issues associated with the involvement of engineers and scientists in 'military work', including the influence of ethical values and beliefs, the role of gendered perspectives and moves beyond the purely technical. It fits strongly into a human (and planet)-centred systems perspective and extends my previous AI and Society papers on othering and narrative ethics, and ethics and social responsibility. It has two main contributions. The first involves an analysis of the literature through (...)
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  46. Apostol ėgoizma: Maks Shtirner i ego filosofii︠a︡ anarkhii: [kriticheskiĭ ocherk].M. A. Kurchinskiĭ - 1920 - Petrograd: Izd-vo "Ogni".
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  47. Ocherki razvitii︠a︡ fizicheskoĭ teorii v pervoĭ treti XX veka.A. I. Anselʹm - 1986 - Moskva: "Nauka," Glav. red. fiziko-matematicheskoĭ lit-ry.
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  48.  6
    After ANT: a Roadmap.M. A. Erofeeva - 2019 - Sociology of Power 31 (2):8-17.
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    A field-ion microscope study of neutron irradiated iridium.M. A. Fortes & B. Ralph - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 14 (127):189-194.
  50.  68
    Elimination of quantifiers for ordered valuation rings.M. A. Dickmann - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (1):116-128.
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